but what if he loved me? what if we were good together...?

but what if he liked me? what if i liked him?
what if we were good together? and i know i still like him, even after all of this. and i know
that we are pretty good together even if we shouldn´t be. because he kind of moved on,
and i kind of trying to. it ain´t easy you know, to be friends with someone you once loved
so very very much, and actually still love but not like you used to.
and i´m trying my best to get on with my life even if it hurts with every step i take.
i know it will get better, but i also know that every day is a battle.
i´m trying to keep my head up and run as fast as i can because everytime i stop,
i feel how much i actually miss him, how much i need i him.
it´s pretty good to be friends after all, you know, at least then we get to see each other once in a while.
go out together, get drunk and laugh at each others jokes, just like the way we used to do.
i know he misses me to, i can see it in his eyes every time he leaves me.
i can hear it in his voice everytime he says he loves me.
i can feel it everytime he hugs me, because i know he doesn´t want to let go
but we both know that he have to. everything he did to me, it´s hard to forgive
but it´s hard to forget all the good things we had together too. he knows
it´s his fault that we don´t sleep in the same bed anymore. it´s his fault that he can´t
kiss me godnight tonight. and i know that he have to go to sleep knowing that every night
for the rest of his life, i love him. i really do but i can´t live my life taking shit from anyone else.
and who knows, maybe one day we will be perfect together.
but it´s so hard loving someone so much when you know you can´t be together right know.
it´s so hard knowing that he loves me just as much as i love him, and i´m so angry at him.
why did he have to fuck everything up? we were awesome together


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