i´ll be there til' the end of time, thats forever you know

hey little brother, is everything alright?
i miss you, you know?
and i want you to know - i´m here for you.
life is hard and sometimes it feels hopeless, but i´m with you
like the stars in the sky.
you can´t always see me, but you´re never alone.
i´m with you everywhere, even in your flesh and bones.
never gonna let you down, no- never ever my brother.
i´ll be there til' the end of time- thats forever you know?

i´ll guard you as you sleep so don´t bother 'bout me.
i´m here for you anytime your heart is in need.

jag älskar dig tills hjärtat slutar slå.
du är de bästa som finns, du är de bästa jag nånsin haft.
lämna mig aldrig


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