the diffrence between me and her? i can make him smile with my clothes on..

And the moment will come when you finally realize the results of decisions and choices in your life

i´m just so scared. scared, because one day, everyone i´ve ever known will walk trough that door and leave me all alone and broken. you will leave me one day. even if you won´t admit it right now, deep down you know it´s true. becuase one day we all come to a point in our lifes when we just had enough. we all need changes, maybe not today, tomorrow or even next year, but someday you will wake up and realize that you have to do some changes, you need to see something new, feel something new and just do something else. and when that day comes, you´re gonna leave. it hurts, because right now you tell me that we´re gonna last forever. that we are forever. but it´s a lie. there´s one thing you still don´t get, even if i´d tried to explain it a thousand times. everybody leaves. my dad walked away, my own dad left me cryin' on the floor, then why wouldn´t you? you see, i´m used to it. the day you decide to leave, i´m gonna let you go. because i know that if you ever wanna come back, that´s what you´re gonna do. come back. the only thing that i´ve ever wanted is to see you happy. if you´re not happy with me, then leave. i´m rather hurt alone, then to see you hurt with me. my life is my life, i´m not gonna drag you in to this mess. but i like to have you around. you make me feel safe all the nights i can´t sleep, because you´re next to me, holding my hand. when i cry, you wipe away all my tears and you tell me that one day, everything´s gonna be just fuckin' fine. and i guess that´s what hurts the most. one day you wont hold my hand or wipe away all of my tears. one day i have to learn how to sleep without you, and the tought of not having you around, that´s whats kills me the most, to be alone.


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