please, say you´ll stay forever. that´s all i need

i act like i don´t care. like i don´t even give a shit. but i break down everytime you walk away. it´s killing me to see you walk away from me, from us and everything we could be. when it comes to you and me, i have always been the one who cares less. maybe that´s just the way i was raised. never expect och assume anything from anyone. that´s the big diffrence between me and you. you care. alot. and i don´t. or at least, that´s what you think. that i don´t give a shit. the truth is that it doesn´t even matter how many times i tell myself to shut of my emotions, and let you walk away i still die a little bit inside every time. and i can´t tell you that, because i´m the strong one. the one who never falls apart, or even cry. i´ve told you my history, you´ve seen my past and how it used to be before you came. you changed it all. maybe everything had changed even if i´d never met you. at some point, things do change. but i like to tell myself that it´s all because of you. you helped me trough it all. i´m affraid everyday, every second, because maybe you´ll just wake up one day and leave. what if you do? then i have to figure out all over again who i am, and what i´m supposed to do. when you´re here, i already know that. but without you, everything´s diffrent. please stay, please don´t walk away, not today. i wanna wake up next to you everyday for the rest of my life.


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