
and that´s the reason i love you. or at least one of thousand reasons.
it doesn´t matter what i talk about when i´m around you.
it could be the same thing i talked about every day the latest week.
you still listen and nood and agree to everything i say.
even if i know you don´t really agree on everything.
but i don´t want you to agree on every single word i say.
i just want you to listen. and i want someone who stands beside me
no matter what. even if everything´s my fault, and i know it,
i still need you to listen. because you´re the greatest thing i´ve
got in my life. and i´m thankful for everyday we have together.
every laugh, every tear and every single fight we have
about shitty little things.
and i need it to be exactly just like that.
i need you to hate everyone i hate, just so i´m not alone
to hate her, or him. i need you. i need us.
forever and always my best friend.
i can´t describe in words how much i love you


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