because i love you

i fought for you and i will continue to fight for you. you know why? because i love you.
and when you love someone just as musch as i love you,
you risk it all. everything.
that´s what i do. i can give up everything else as long as i have you by my side.
i don´t give a shit about anything else.
if i have you, i don´t need anything else.
but you see, it´s not that easy.
maybe it actually is so easy right now.
but if i risk it all, you have to risk just as much as me.
i don´t care how hard it its, if we´re gonna do this,
we have to do it our way. you and me. together.
fuck everyone, fuck what they say.
because maybe we´re happy like this?
maybe we don´t need anything else.
maybe we don´t need them.
maybe we just need us


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